This site is intended to provide supplemental resources for students in my Art and Science in the Woods classes dealing with insects. Examine the news link for daily observations concerning the diversity of insects at the Sun Foundation.
Have you ever wondered what this class is like? I put together a short video (including a cartoon version of my younger self) to help you better understand.
I always consider it quite an honor to spend a week teaching others about the fascinating world of insects. I updated the news pages with daily information about the insects we encounter. I thought it might be helpful for others to experience some of the views we encounter on a daily basis. Of course, I have to include a “puzzler” with these photos. Keep in mind these are 360 degree photos. OK, simple question – where is Mark? I took the photos after all! Shouldn’t I be seen in a 360 degree photo?
This old white oak has greeted me every time I have taught at the Sun Foundation. I don’t know that the precise age of the tree is known. Suffice it to say that it has experienced a lot of change in its life.
Great to be teaching insect class at Sun Foundation this week. This iconic old white oak has greeted me every time. Quite a magnificent specimen. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
This is an overview of typical oak-hickory forest we will be searching for insects throughout the week.
We will be spending a significant amount of time examining insects found in oak hickory forests (such as this one) during my week at the Sun Foundation Art nd Science in the Woods. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Of course, there are massive ant nests (if you know where to look). Students will also encounter these during our time together. Pause the auto scan and zoom in when this image loads. The nest is right in front of you.
Note the massive Formica ant nest in this pipeline cut. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
I hope these 360 views give you an inkling of what we will encounter during the week. If you are interested in Illinois insects, this is the class for you.