2021 ASIW Day 5 – July 23

During the final day of Art and Science in the Woods for 2021, I was a visiting instructor in two classes (one in the morning; the other in the afternoon). Here are the insects encountered by each class.

Taxa encountered during the morning class (Coyote warriors)

These are the insects we encountered during the morning class. I was only able to spend about an hour with this class as they had other visiting instructors as well in the morning. As before, the insects we encountered are alphabtically arranged by order and family within each order. Each link will open in a new browser window/ tab.

All told, we encountered insects classified in 7 distinct orders and 23 families. Not bad for one hour’s worth of observations in the morning.

Order Coleoptera (beetles)

Order Diptera (flies)

Order Hemiptera (true bugs)

Order Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps)

Order Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths, and skippers)

Order Mantodea (praying mantis)

Order Orthoptera (grasshoppers and relatives)

Taxa encountered during the afternoon class (Drawing and sculpting)

These are the insects we encountered during the afternoon class. We did spend a fair amount of time at Crow Creek as it was the last day and everyone needed to splash in the creek (and observe insects, of course). The insects encountered are arranged in alphabetical order by order and family as for the morning class.

In total, we encountered insects representing 7 orders and 15 families during our afternoon excursion.

Order Coleoptera (beetles)

Order Diptera (flies)

Order Hemiptera (true bugs)

Order Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps)

Order Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths, and skippers)

Order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies)

Order Orthoptera (grasshoppers and relatives)

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