This is a summary of my work efforts during the spring, 2010 semester.
Those who take online only classes often find they spend much more time than they would in a traditional class. This is also true from a teaching perspective. Since I do require students in the CMWEB 260 internship class to track and report their time spent on projects, it seemed reasonable that I document this as well. I plan to report on a weekly basis the effort spent during the previous week. Efforts for the Fall, 2009 semester are also provided.
To summarize the effort to teach online and hybrid classes, consider the following… Assuming one should work 40 hour weeks for each week in the semester, I should have worked 760 hours in the spring, 2010 semester. I actually worked 1,240.75 hours (163%) representing an added 480.75 hours (which is slightly over an additional 12 weeks – at 40 hours per week). The bulk of this is directly related to doing online and hybrid classes. They simply require a significant amount of extra effort. Just wanted to quantify this in case anyone is curious. Yes, the numbers below are accurate.
Week beginning May 16, 2010
Week beginning May 9, 2010
Week beginning May 2, 2010
Week beginning Apr. 25, 2010
Week beginning Apr. 18, 2010
Week beginning Apr. 11, 2010 (ok, I am officially pooped)
Week beginning Apr. 4, 2010
Week beginning Mar. 28, 2010
Week beginning Mar. 21, 2010
Week beginning Mar. 14, 2010 (spring break – yes, I took a break this year)
Week beginning Mar. 7, 2010
First week of semester under 60 hours. I am actually taking a spring break next week.
Week beginning Feb. 28, 2010
Week beginning Feb. 21, 2010
Week beginning Feb. 14, 2010
Week beginning Feb. 7, 2010
Week beginning Jan. 31, 2010
Week beginning Jan. 24, 2010
Week beginning Jan. 17, 2010
Week beginning Jan. 10, 2010