WorldSkills C2

Today was the second day of our 4 day competition (day C2). As before, breakfast at 6 a.m., catch the bus at 7 a.m., and arrive at Anhembi Park between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. (depending on traffic). The bus ride this morning was incredibly quick. We held an introductory meeting for experts at 8 a.m. and then the competitors were welcomed at 8:30 a.m. Again, they were presented with 2 challenges (one for 3 hours, the other for 2 hours). If you are in the CMWEB program (or a former student) and want to test your knowledge, skills, and abilities, here are the challenges for the day. Remember, use only the allocated time. No resources and no Internet connection.

Marcelo introduced the module his team developed. Each team provides an overview, but no questions may be asked.

Marcleo introducing module A

After both modules were introduced I had 15 minutes to speak with Nick and strategize. No phones or other electronic media allowed, no notes, no paper. We covered the best approach to solving both the morning and afternoon modules.

This is the group during the morning overview. Note the man in the back (Sergo) from Georgia (not the state, but the country). Yes, this is a world wide event.

Morning briefing day C2

I was asked to be floor supervisor again this morning. This will be my last session in that role as I will have to do marking the next couple of days. No, one does not evaluate the compatriot competitor (Nick in my case).

I did get a chance to have lunch with Nick again. We were able to talk in more detail and address remaining items.

When we returned from lunch, our group of experts reviewed how we planned to evaluate entries. We have to anticipate potential problems since there are nearly 40 competitors. Even if we spend only 10 minutes reviewing work, that becomes a large amount of time. Therefore, as experts, we need to strategize so we are very efficient as well.

I then had a chance to tour the rest of the pavilion to see some of the competitions in progress. I thought I would share a few photos. You can click on the photo to see a larger version. We even got to watch drink bottlesĀ  being made using extruded plastic. There are a lot of highly skilled individuals in this event.






There are lots of variety in these competitions. I had to return to the web design contest and we began a review of the submitted work. No expert can leave the area until all items have been evaluated. We then need to individually sign off on the scores for our competitor. Obviously, we don’t know how this compares to others until after all awards have been given.

There was a last minute competitor in our area. Remember, we are in the tropics and the buildings are open to the outside. We decided not to allow this late entry.


We are now at the half way point in the competition. I stayed until almost 8 tonight (since we had to sign the scores). I did get the chance to speak with the workshop manager (Gabriel Lopes) in detail about the infrastructure. There is a pretty powerful server running this environment. I do have a clearer picture of what it would take to duplicate this sort of event in the U.S. Many thanks, Gabriel, for taking the time to discuss this with me (and show me some of the details).

I hope you are enjoying these posts. Until next time…

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