As we begin 2013, I think it appropriate to revisit what we do on a daily basis. I really like this video and am using it as a starting point for discussion. My colleague Renaldo Lawrence also posted this link on his weblog. I suggest we start by eliminating the word pedagogy from higher education. For those not aware of the term, it means the science of teaching. However, the origin of the word/ original meaning is office of a child’s tutor. As a professor in a community college, I teach adults, not children. Adults learn differently than children. This is why I rarely (if ever) use the term pedagogy. I don’t like to implications/ original intent. Just my 2 cents to start the discussion. I look forward to your comments below (after listening to the video).
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Androgogy is my preferred term (instead of pedagogy). The emphasis for learning is placed where it belongs – on the learner…not the teacher.