Intermediate Twitter

Assuming you have decided to take initial steps into the Twitter ecosystem, I thought it might be appropriate to cover additional tools and websites which can help manage the information “overload.” Yes, 140 characters doesn’t seem like much, but there can be a fair amount of information when you start following more than a few people. I mentioned the initial tools in my previous post – TweetDeck (now owned by Twitter) and Tweetcaster Pro. No, I didn’t pay $4.99 for my version (it was one of those daily specials you see at the Amazon AppStore). There are a number of free Android clients, I am just letting you know the ones I tend to use. I am not making recommendations about any of these products. I am providing a list of resources which I have found useful as I work with the Twitter ecosystem. Your mileage will vary. Some of these links exist because… you guessed it… I learned about them from Twitter (and the people I follow).

Ok, now let’s move away from the Twitter site itself and focus on some additional sites/ tools which you may find useful. To help, I have provided a logical arrangement (logical to me at least)  and alphabetized those within. Yes, I already mentioned some like SocialBro, but I want this to be a rather comprehensive list. At the time I am writing this, all these links are live. That being said, lengthening services can come and go (perhaps you have heard of

Basic information about Twitter and how it can be used:

  • Twitter “bible” – CIO Magazine article on many of the fundamentals. This article was published February, 2011 so the information may be a bit out of date.
  • Twitter Fan “help” pages – not associated with Twitter, but a fair amount of useful informaiton for those just getting started.
  • Video – Using Twitter to reach audiences (for those who prefer to watch instead of read)

Tools to analyze your account/ tweets:

  • MentionMap – allows you to see Twitter conversations as a network.
  • SocialBro – provides a fair amount of analysis including who has recently started following you, who has unfollowed you recently, where your followers reside, trends, and much more. I included some screen shots from this tool in my previous post. You need to manually refresh this client.
  • SocialPing – Twitter monitoring
  • Tweet Grader – see how influential you are on Twitter.
  • TweetStats – statistics about your Twitter account (or others). I particularly like the “while you are waiting” messages. Once generated, you can also create a Wordle of your tweets.
  • TwitaHolic – user rankings and Twitter statistics.
  • TwitIQ – more analytics, automated expansion of shortened URLs and a lot more.
  • TwitSprout – one page Twitter dashboard

Tools to improve upon Twitter (particularly the interface):

  • BufferApp – allows you to spread your tweets out over the day
  • coTweet – allows multiple users to tweet from one account. This can be very helpful for those who have a business related Twitter account and multiple people who want to use it. MediaFunnel is another service which is somewhat similar.
  • FormULists – create Twitter lists and more
  • HashTracking – this is presently in beta. It should allow you to track any Twitter hash tag.
  • Manage Flitter – allows you to link Google+ to your Twitter account
  • MarketMe Suite – social media dashboard
  • NetVibes – Twitter (and other social media) aggregator service.
  • Nurph – create your own Twitter chatroom
  • SnapBird – allows you to search Twitter streams
  • Twaiter – for those who want to send a tweet at a specific time (and you can determine the best time to send your tweets using tools like SocialBro).
  • TweetChat – Twitter chatrooms (like Nurph)
  • TweetDeck – built using Adobe AIR, this tool allows you to view your Twitter feeds in real time. You can set it to provide alerts each time something new is posted by someone you are following. I don’t recommend doing this for the same reason I don’t recommend setting alerts to tell you every time you get a new eMail message.
  • TweetSpinner – follower analytics and various tools (such as the ability to rotate your Twitter profiles and designs). You cna also schedule tweets (like Twaiter).
  • twhirl – built using Adobe AIR, an alternative to TweetDeck
  • TwitLonger – for tweets exceeding 140 characters in length (see also twtFAQ)
  • TwitPic – to share photos on Twitter (this can be automated within tools like TweetDeck)
  • TwitterFall – to view trends and tweets by region or location.
  • twtFAQ – for tweets exceeding 140 characters in length
  • wtHashTag – API to examine specific hashtags. Useful to examine trends.

Browser add-ons:

Conference (possibly class) related Twitter tools:

  • TweetDoc – document your Twitter events
  • TweetWallPro – turn your event into a Twitter conversation
  • TwtPoll – create simple Twitter polls
  • TwtVite – create and find TweetUps in your area.
  • twubs – Twitter groups built around hashtags

I don’t know how to categorize these:

Device specific apps:

Yes, I know the above is an incomplete list. That is why comments are open/ moderated. If you have a tool which you prefer and it is not in the above list, please add it in the comments section. I do not own an iPhone, nor an iPad, nor an iAnything. Therefore my above items are focused on the Android market (with some Blackberry PlayBook apps) and web sites. Again, enlighten me by placing comments in the spot below. As long as they are not spam, they will be approved.

I hope this overview of various tools has been informative/ helpful. Perhaps you now have a better understanding why I refer to Twitter as an “ecosystem.”

3 thoughts on “Intermediate Twitter”

  1. Mark, I never knew there were so many tools dedicated to twitter and it sounds like there is even more! So far I checked out Socialbro and it seems useful.
    Thank you for the post.


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