In honor of today, April 1, 2010, I thought it appropriate to include a few words of sage advice. First of all, be carefujl what you ask for – you might get it. Next, make certain you fully understand the implications of the day. I do hope everyone has a wonderful April 1 today. If you get the chance, don’t forget to visit Google ( today – they have a new logo and a new corporate name. I can finally break my non-disclosure agreement about this. It has been way too long in the making, but they finally agreed to my suggestion they needed to improve upon their image. And, of course, take everything you read with a grain of salt.
Just returned from another trip to Alaska a couple days ago. Thought I would document and include some photos. Hope you enjoy.
Happy birthday grandson. I’m very proud of you and what you are accomplishing.
Happy birthday grandson! I am very proud of you and all you are doing!
Congratulations to the winners of our web design and development competition. Post secondary winners - gold (Idaho), silver (Kentucky), bronze (Pennsylvania). High school - gold (Missouri), silver (Tennessee), bronze (Kansas). Well done!
Excitement and anticipation is building to learn the winners of our national web design and development competitions in Atlanta. State Farm Arena is packed.
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