If I understand correctly, the Internet is 40 years old today (born Sept. 2, 1969). A Cambridge based company – Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) won the initial contract to design and implement and deploy the first computer connected to the ARPANET. A Honeywell minicomputer was selected for this initial connection. This was connected to a host machine at UCLA. A few weeks later (October 29, 1969), this network communicated with another host (located at Stanford Research Institute). Once these connections were established, it was soon realized that this connectivity was rather useless without some means of interfacing the data with the operating ystem and applications. The next big leap was the development of what became known as Transmission Control Protocol ad Internet Protocol. A lot has certainly happened in the intervening years.
Just returned from another trip to Alaska a couple days ago. Thought I would document and include some photos. Hope you enjoy.
Happy birthday grandson. I’m very proud of you and what you are accomplishing.
Happy birthday grandson! I am very proud of you and all you are doing!
Congratulations to the winners of our web design and development competition. Post secondary winners - gold (Idaho), silver (Kentucky), bronze (Pennsylvania). High school - gold (Missouri), silver (Tennessee), bronze (Kansas). Well done!
Excitement and anticipation is building to learn the winners of our national web design and development competitions in Atlanta. State Farm Arena is packed.
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