Simple parallax scrolling example

Jubilee (Illinois) State Park - Insect Photos




(example 1)

Initial parallax motion example - only the buckeye butterfly (left) and the tiger swallowtail butterfly (right) have scroll motion checked. Both are initially positioned at the top edge of the document window. The buckeye butterfly only moves 1.5 times as fast as you scroll; the swallowtail moves 5 times as fast as you scroll. Since you are scrolling down the page, both images move vertically as you scroll (in addition to the horizontal movement indicated in the above screen captures. Note that both screen captures are placed at the bottom left corner of the image as they are originally positioned in MUSE.



(example 2)

Again, the screen captures are placed at the lower left edge of each image as they are originally positioned in MUSE. The left dragonfly has a key position (starting) 2260 pixels from the top of the document window (it is further down the page than the dragonfly on the right by 150 pixels). The dragonfly on the left is moving 2X as fast as the dragonfly on the right (relative to how quickly you scroll down the page).


Are you getting nauseous yet? One more example (below).

Dark form, eastern tiger swallowtail

Typical form, eastern tiger swallowtail



(example 3)

Again, the screen captures are placed at the lower left edge of each image as they are originally positioned in MUSE. The butterfly image on the left now has motion before and motion after selected. The butterfly on the right only has motion before selected. Note the difference as you scroll past this part of the page.